“Magic Gratitude Challenge” Day 12 – Magical People

The Secret Magic Gratitude Challenge at www.MotiSource.com

Today we think about three people close to us and write out gratitudes to each person. You may or may not want to read or send your notes to the person.  Either way, it results in mega-good feelings. It’s one of my favorite practices because I feel SO HAPPY when I do it.   Interesting about this one is that, yet again, happiness researchers have found this practice increases good feelings in a strong way. Try it and let me know what you think!

1. Write 10 things you are grateful for.

2. Select THREE people you care about and/or who have made a difference in your life.

3. One at a time write out your gratitude to each person.  Read it aloud (either to the person or just imagine reading it to him or her.)

4. If you have the book, read the inspiration for Day 12.

5. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.


What did you feel doing today’s exercise? Share your thoughts below.

Click here for Day 13.



One Reply to ““Magic Gratitude Challenge” Day 12 – Magical People”

  1. Just completed the gratitude to three special people. That one always lifts me up so much!!! I won’t post it here though as I shared some very personal things in the note I wrote them each.

    Here are today’s gratitudes:
    1. I am so happy and grateful that I do have wonderful friends mentioned like the ones above.
    2. I am so happy and grateful that their kindness, ethics, goodness, and support is above and beyond what I see out there as the norm sometimes.
    3. I am so happy and grateful for all of the fun and wonderful times I have shared with those fabulous friends.
    4. I am so happy and grateful for all of the new times and fun and wonderful times I will share with them all in the future.
    5. I am so happy and grateful for the times I have felt that love and support from family as well.
    6. I am so happy and grateful for nature and animals as I also feel love and support there.
    7. I am so happy and grateful for all of the other wonderful, great friends I have had in the past in addition to the three I selected today.
    8. I am so happy and grateful for the new friends I will meet in the future.
    9. I am so happy and grateful for my wonderful friends/family on Cody App (where I do my yoga).
    10 I am so happy and grateful for everyone who is kind to and there for anyone as it makes the world a better place for all of us.

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