“Magic Gratitude Challenge” Day 18 – Magical To-Do List

www.motisource.com MotiSource - Manifest Abundance Alliance - Marianne Williamson

Have you ever found yourself putting in effort, negative self talk and doubt into a situation you want to be different, but is out of your control? How much time have you wasted with worry thoughts that did not change things anyway when you could have spent that same time on happy activities?  If this is something you’ve run into, today’s exercise is made for you. Even if you don’t have the above habits finding more ways to let go can only benefit in freeing up energy and time. For today we will imagine we can hand over some of our biggest challenges to someone else, or some higher power, so we let go of stress and move our focus to fun, positive thoughts. Here is the strategy:

1. Write 10 things you are grateful for.

2. What if you could select 10 challenges/problems in your life and have them solved for you? What would you select? Write down 10 things and title this your “Magical To-Do List.”

3. Chose the 3 MOST IMPORTANT things and, one at a time, imagine having the entire situation resolved for you in the most easy, wonderful way. Imagine as much detail as possible and use all senses (sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste). As you finish imagining each scenario send GRATITUDE for having the magical help!

4. For extra inspiration and knowledge read Day 18 of “The Magic” book. You might also want to read (or get the FREE audio trial of) “The Secret” for even deeper understanding.

5. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.

How did this exercise change your outlook during the day? Did you notice any big or small changes? Share your experience below and then click here for Day 19.


“Magic Gratitude Challenge” Day 17 – The Magic Check

How would you like a check for a million dollars? Prefer a zillion? No problem. Today is your LUCKY DAY!!  The Universe is giving you a blank check for the amount you desire. Follow the steps below, and this one in particular, be sure to read the related chapter for extra understanding and a big boost of faith!

1. Write 10 things you are grateful for.

2. Click here to obtain your blank check from the Universe. Completely fill it out, including the amount you want to receive.

3. Hold your check in your hands. Imagine really receiving the money. What will you do with it? What will the people at the bank say? How will it look on your bank statement. And imagine, what will you do with the money. Send out LOTS of GRATITUDE!!

4. Carry the check with you today and keep it in a spot where you can keep looking about it and thinking about the above.

5. If you have the book, read the inspiration for Day 17. For extra inspiration, click here to watch a video where Jim Carrey reveals how he used a similar technique to manifest a check for 10 MILLION DOLLARS!

6. After today, post your check in a special place you will see it daily to remind yourself of this.

7. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.

Share your experiences with this in the space below and then click here for Day 18.

“Magic Gratitude Challenge” Day 16 – Health Miracles

Is your health affecting your ability to enjoy life? Perhaps you are missing out on life pleasures and relationships due to health challenges. Then you realize how important it is to feel well. On the other hand, possibly your health is good, but it never occurs to you to give thanks for this fragile blessing. Either way, today we focus on the blessing of good health, send gratitude and even try to make things better with the power of our thoughts. After all, as Naomi Judd says, “Your body hears everything your mind says.” Let’s use that power for the highest good!

1. Write 10 things you are grateful for.

2. Think of THREE separate times you’ve felt on top of the world and describe those times!

3. Think of FIVE functions of your body that are working well and, one by one, give thanks for each.

4. Select one area of your health you would like to improve. Take ONE MINUTE to visualize that area in PERFECT HEALTH. Then give THANKS for that ideal state!

5. If you have the book, read the inspiration for Day 16.

6. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.

Share your health gratitudes below.

Click here for Day 17.

“Magic Gratitude Challenge” Day 15 – Heal Your Relationships

Magic Gratitude Challenge - www.MotiSource.com - Your Source for Motivation, Inspiration and Success!Are you suffering from the pain of broken relationships? Maybe there is a family rift causing heartache. Maybe an ex partner or friend you still catch yourself thinking about. Perhaps there is a difficult boss, co-worker or neighbor who gets on your nerves. This exercise works by getting the energy and emotion out of YOU, rather than storing it and letting it fester. Also, even though you probably will not want to share what you wrote, on some level the person seems to know. I’ve seen many times when the subject responds as he if or she had read what was written, even though that was impossible. Apparently, it IS “magic.”  For today:

1. Write 10 things you are grateful for.

2. Select one challenging or broken relationship in your life.

3. Write a list of 10 things you can be grateful for related to that person. Use this format:   “_Name of person_, thank you for ______________.”

4. If you have the book, read the inspiration for Day 15.

5. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.

How did you feel after writing this? Did you hear from the other person or notice him or her reacting differently? Please share your experience below. (Even if no, you still have a win by releasing the energy you were holding inside.)

Click here for Day 16.

“Magic Gratitude Challenge” Day 14 – Magical Day

Magic Technique to Have the Best Day - The Secret - MotiSource.com - Your Source for Motivation, Inspiration and Success

Today we literally CREATE our day and then get up and EXPERIENCE IT, all the while sending gratitude. Here is your mission, should you choose to accept it:

1. Write 10 things you are grateful for.

2. This morning, before you get out of bed, close your eyes and imagine going through your entire day and everything going in the most ideal way. See yourself accomplishing your goals, having wonderful connections, doing healthy activities and just having the best day ever!!! (This is something I’ve done for years, and sometimes using hypnosis and meditation audios like this one from renowned Robert Monroe of Monroe Institute, “Morning Energizer” which uses special sounds to put you in a deep, hypnotic brainwave, while rehearsing your day.

3. Now feel GRATITUDE for all of the wonderful things you imagine happening today. And close by saying, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

4. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.

Click here for Day 15.

At the end of the day, come back here and answer the question HOW DID YOUR DAY GO? Did you notice any differences compared to your typical experience? If so, what?

“Magic Gratitude Challenge” Day 13 – Magical Wishes

Manifest Abundance with The Secret Magic Challenge - www.MotiSource.com

One of the biggest lessons in “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, is that our thoughts create reality. The more we think about something, the more we bring it into our lives. But just thinking about something is not enough. We need to experience the FEELINGS we will have when we obtain our we wish. That is the secret that allows our desires to spring into life.  But if you’re like me, that can be easier said than done. Today’s challenge is a great way to LEARN HOW TO FOCUS ON and FEEL THE EMOTIONS of what we want so we can bring into our lives.

1. Write 10 things you are grateful for.

2. Write down your TOP TEN WISHES, saying “Thank you,” as if they are already obtained. In other words, “Thank you, thank you, thank you for ____________.” 

3. Imagine you have received all of your ten wishes! One at a time to through each item and feel what you would do for each of the following:

a) What emotions did you feel when you achieved this wish?

b) Who was the first person you told and how did he or she react?

c) What is the first thing you did after achieving each goal?

4. If you have the book, read the inspiration for Day 13.

5. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.

Click here for Day 14.

Have you ever tried something like this before? What happened? How did it feel to experience your wishes?  The MORE WE CAN CONNECT TO THE FEELINGS, THE MORE POWERFULLY & QUICKLY THIS STUFF WORKS! Share your insights below.

“Magic Gratitude Challenge” Day 12 – Magical People

The Secret Magic Gratitude Challenge at www.MotiSource.com

Today we think about three people close to us and write out gratitudes to each person. You may or may not want to read or send your notes to the person.  Either way, it results in mega-good feelings. It’s one of my favorite practices because I feel SO HAPPY when I do it.   Interesting about this one is that, yet again, happiness researchers have found this practice increases good feelings in a strong way. Try it and let me know what you think!

1. Write 10 things you are grateful for.

2. Select THREE people you care about and/or who have made a difference in your life.

3. One at a time write out your gratitude to each person.  Read it aloud (either to the person or just imagine reading it to him or her.)

4. If you have the book, read the inspiration for Day 12.

5. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.


What did you feel doing today’s exercise? Share your thoughts below.

Click here for Day 13.



“Magic Gratitude Challenge” Day 11 – Magic Morning

The Secret - Rhonda Byrne - www.MotiSource.com

Make today the BEST DAY EVER by focusing on gratitude from the moment you wake up today. It’s so easy to take for granted all of the wonderful little things we have access to every day. How often do we feel gratitude for the running water we use each morning? Or the comfortable temperature in our home? We have so many daily blessings that we often overlook. Today, let’s increase our thankfulness for all we have.

1. First thing in the morning when you wake up say the words, “Thank you.”

2. As you get ready today say “Thank you,” and feel gratitude for each item you use.

3. Write 10 things you are grateful for.

4. If you have the book, read the inspiration for Day 11.

5. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.

What happened during your day today?

Click here for Day 12.



“Magic Gratitude Challenge” Day 10 – Magic Dust

Magic Gratitude Challenge - www.MotiSource.com - Your Source for Motivation, Inspiration and Success!

What we give to others comes back to us hundred times over. When people provide service to us, like the grocery store cashier or mechanic, we can keep the flow of good energy going by saying, “Thank you.” And on an energetic level we can keep the flow going by feeling and sending gratitude to that person. Rhonda Byrne, suggests we imagine sprinkling a “magic dust” on the person as a way of experiencing more positive flow all around. Try that today.

1. Write 10 things you are grateful for.

2. Sprinkle “Magic Dust” on at least 10 people who provide service to you today. (You can do this secretly without them knowing, lol.)

3. If you have the book, read the inspiration for Day 10.

4. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.

5. Read tomorrow’s assignment (Day 11) NOW as we start it first thing when we wake up in bed.

Click here for Day 11.

How did the “Magic Dust” experience go?

“Magic Gratitude Challenge” Day 9 – The Money Magnet

In today’s reading, Rhonda Byrne, from The Secret, explains that most people do not think they complain about money and bills, but chances are high that they really do. Today’s we practice approaching situations where we might (unconsciously) feel lack and replace that with gratitude. Here ‘s the process:

1. Write 10 things you are grateful for.

2. Gather the paperwork for any current, unpaid bills or debts you have. On the paper write, “THANK YOU for the money!” And then focus on really feeling gratitude for the bills/debts being paid.

3. Next gather the paperwork for ten (10) bills you have paid in the past. On the bills write, “THANK YOU – Paid!” And again, feel the gratitude!

4. If you have “The Magic” book read the inspiration for Day 9.

5. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.

Click here for Day 10.

Below please share 10 things you are grateful for today. Also, did you do the practice? How did it feel?